Current Projects
Mission & Vision
Current Projects
Project Manager: Blake Pitts , Office Phone 254.780.1400 , Mobile Phone 254.534.1638
Documents & Files (8):
- 05500-1A Metal Fabrications.pdf
- Vol 1 of 6 Conformed.pdf
- Vol 1_TWDS_Conformed.pdf
- Vol 2 of 6 Conformed.pdf
- Vol 2_TWDS_Conformed.pdf
- Vol 3 of 6 Conformed.pdf
- Vol 3_TWDS_Conformed.pdf
- Vol 6 of 6_SWP3.pdf
Location: Click Here for Location Map -
Project Manager: Andrew W. Roberts , Office Phone 254.780.1400 , Mobile Phone 254.239.6777
Documents & Files (13):
- Specs Vol I - Conformed
- Specs Vol II - Conformed
- Specs Vol III - Conformed
- Specs Vol IV - Conformed
- Specs Vol V - Conformed
- Plans Vol I - Conformed
- Plans Vol II - Conformed
- Plans Vol III - Conformed
- Plans Vol IV - Conformed
- Addendum No. 1 - Conformed
- Addendum No. 2 - Conformed
- Clarification No. 1 - Conformed
- Clarification No. 2 - Conformed
Location: Click Here for Location Map
Notes: The Work consists of, but not limited to, installation of a new Substation No. 1 Building housing proposed medium voltage power distribution equipment, with associated instrumentation and controls, auxiliary power, and HVAC system. The project also entail
renovation to the plant site medium voltage power distribution duct bank system for distribution of power to various process areas in the plant. This project requires COA Water Utility security background checks. -
Project Manager: Blake Pitts , Office Phone 254.780.1400 , Mobile Phone 254.534.1638
Documents & Files (2):
Location: Click Here for Location Map
Project Manager: Andrew W. Roberts , Office Phone 254.780.1400 , Mobile Phone 254.239.6777
Documents & Files:
- Vol. 1 of 4 Contract Docs & Technical Specifications
- Vol. 2 of 4 Contract Docs & Technical Specifications
- Vol. 3 of 4 Contract Docs & Technical Specifications
- Plans_Drawings
- Addendum No. 1
- Addendum No. 2
Location: Click Here for Location Map
Work includes removal of two gravity belt thickeners (GBTs) and replacing GBTs with two centrifuges. Project also includes centrifuge associated equipment (pumps, piping, macerators and electrical infrastructure).
Project Manager: Mike Psencik , Office Phone 254.780.1400 , Mobile Phone 254.534.8050
Documents & Files:
- Contract Docs & Technical Specifications
- Plans_Drawings 1 of 2
- Plans_Drawings 2 of 2
- Addendum No. 1
- Addendum No. 2
- Clarification No. 1
- Clarification No. 2
Click Here for Location Map - Davis WTP
Click Here for Location Map - Handcox WTP
The Work consists of the following at the Albert R. Davis and Berl L. Handcox Sr. Water Treatment Plants: construction of a new polymer storage and feed building, installation of polymer feed and transfer pumps, electrical and instrumentation equipment, modifications to the existing potable water systems, and modifications to the existing chemical building electrical and instrumentation systems.
Project Manager: Mike Psencik , Office Phone 254.780.1400 , Mobile Phone 254.534.8050
Documents & Files:
- Contract Docs & Technical Specifications
- Plans_Drawings
- Addendum No. 1
- Addendum No. 2
- Addendum No. 3
- Clarification No. 1
Click Here for Location Map - Davis WTP
The Work consists of improvements to the filter media tank, pumps, piping, and other associated appurtenances. This work includes, but is not limited to, the following:
• Remove existing filter media tank, pumps, hoses, and appurtenances
• Demolish existing concrete pad
• Install new concrete pad
• Complete improvements to the reused filter media tank, including piping replacements, pipe penetration, and coating
• Install reused filter media tank located on site
• Install new filter media pump, piping, appurtenances, and hoses at filter media tank pad
• Install portable filter media pump for use on top of filter basin deck
• Install filter media header piping and appurtenances along filter basins
• Install stairs for access to the top of the filter media tank and to the filter basin deck
• Install electrical for the filter media pump -
Project Manager: Mike Psencik , Office Phone 254.780.1400 , Mobile Phone 254.534.8050
Documents & Files:
- Contract Docs & Technical Specifications
- Plans_Drawings
- Structural Drawings
- Addendum No. 1
- Addendum No. 2
Work includes demolition and construction of all the Avenue G Pump Station Improvements including All Civil, Mechanical, Structural, Electrical, HVAC, Controls and Necessary Components for a Fully Operational System as Shown on the Plans and Specified in the Technical Specifications.
Project Manager: Mike Psencik , Office Phone 254.780.1400 , Mobile Phone 254.534.8050
Documents & Files:
Several components in the chlorination and de-chlorination facilities need to be replaced or rehabilitated. These components include the following: chlorine scrubber, building ventilation system, building lighting, leak detection, fire safety, electrical, instrumentation and SCADA; and the sulfur dioxide de-chlorination building ventilation system, building lighting, leak detection, fire safety, electrical, instrumentation and SCADA.
Project Manager: Andrew W. Roberts , Office Phone 254.780.1400 , Mobile Phone 254.239.6777
Documents & Files:
- Vol. 1 of 6 Contract Docs & Technical Specifications
- Vol. 2 of 6 Contract Docs & Technical Specifications
- Vol. 3 of 6 Contract Docs & Technical Specifications
- Vol. 4 of 6 Contract Docs & Technical Specifications
- ROCIP Project Safety Manual
- Plans Drawings Volume 1
- Plans Drawings Volume 2
Location: Click Here for Location Map
Work includes the complete construction of expansion of the Wild Horse Ranch WWTP from 0.75 MGD (average daily flow) capacity to 2.25 MGD. The expansion will incorporate biological nutrient removal. Facilities to be constructed or improved include the influent lift station, headworks, aeration basins, secondary clarifiers, disk filters, UV disinfection system, sludge holding tanks and a sludge thickening facility, electrical building and administration building. Included in the project are electrical and instrumentation and controls infrastructure to provide a fully functioning system. A new electrical building and administration building will also be constructed as part of the project.
Project Manager: Blake Pitts , Office Phone 254.780.1400 , Mobile Phone 254.534.1638
Documents & Files:
The project consists of furnishing, installing, and providing all labor and materials required for
construction of rehabilitation improvements to the 2.5 million gallons per day San Gabriel Wastewater
Treatment Plant, as more fully described in the Drawings and the Summary of Work contained in Section CIP3. -
Waller Creek Inlet Facility Wet Well Mechanical Screening System
Project Manager: Andrew Roberts, Office Phone: 254.780.1400, Mobile Phone: 254.239.6777
Documents & Files (2):
Location: Click here
The project consists of:
1. Installation of two (2) multi-rake mechanical screen cleaning mechanisms.
Installation of multi-rake screen cleaning equipment includes but is not limited to
all rakes, bar screens, discharge chutes, debris hoppers, water level sensors,
debris monitoring level sensors, motors, sprockets, and structural support
structure.2. Installation of two (2) submersible irrigation pumps. Installation of irrigation
pumps includes but is not limited to all associated piping and appurtenances to
connect from the proposed pumps to the proposed irrigation skid and all
associated piping and appurtenances to connect from the proposed irrigation skid
to the irrigation system connection point and hydrants on the operating deck.3. Demolition of existing irrigation skid and installation of one (1) packaged
irrigation skid to incorporate proposed irrigation pumps includes but is not limited
to piping and valving, variable frequency drives, pressure switch, and PLC.
Provide control capability that allows for pump control, monitoring, and
communications to the existing SCADA system.4. Installation of an air quality monitoring system for the lower wet well channel
area as shown on PLANS.5. Providing equipment access by modifying existing handrails, guardrails and
grated walkways on the operations deck and in the upper and lower wet well
channel areas.6. Installation of all power and control cables.
7. Removal of all construction debris and site clean up.
8. All remaining and associated items of work contained in the Contract Documents
as shown on PLANS. -
Stillhouse Branch Wastewater Treatment Facility Improvements Phase 1
Project Manager: Mike Psencik, Office Phone: 254.780.1400, Mobile Phone: 254.534.8050
Documents & Files (6):
Location: Click here
City of Copperas Cove South WWTP UV Disinfection Improvements
Project Manager: Mike Psencik, Office Phone: 254.780.1400, Mobile Phone: 254.534.8050
Documents & Files (4):
Location: Click here
Dove Springs WWTP Rehabilitation
Project Manager: Blake Pitts , Office Phone 254.780.1400 , Mobile Phone 254.534.1638
Documents & Files:
2020 Wastewater System Improvements TWDB CWSRF #73859 - City of Rosebud
Project Manager: Mike Psencik, Office Phone: 254.780.1400, Mobile Phone: 254.534.8050
Documents & Files (2):
Location: Click here
Daniel's Mountain Pump Station
Project Manager: Mike Psencik , Office Phone 254.780.1400 , Mobile Phone 254.534.8050
Documents & Files:
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These documents are for the purpose of preparing bids for projects. No other use is authorized by Matous Construction. Matous Construction is not the owner or creator of these documents and is not responsible for the completeness or accuracy of them. Bidders must satisfy themselves they have the latest and correct information. Downloading documents & files constitutes proof of agreement to these terms.